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Dahban, of the Kahtan Arabs, one of the most powerful tribes of the EasternDesert.
It holds interests in various production sharing concessions (PSC) in EasternDesert Egypt and Western Desert Egypt.
Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation's (EGPC) tender meanwhile included areas in the Western Desert, the Nile Valley, the Gulf of Suez and the EasternDesert.
State-owned Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) offered 15 blocks located in the Gulf of Suez, the Western Desert, the EasternDesert and Sinai sedimentary basins.
It's a far cry from the Easterndeserts. He looked up.
Usage of Arabian Desert in English
Jones, in turn, told Storm more about what they had just witnessed taking place above the ArabianDesert.
Oil, shopping malls and skyscrapers long ago upstaged the vast ArabianDesert from which the city of Dubai grows.
He started his advance on a line extending from Haifa on the coast, across Palestine to the ArabianDesert.
Thirty-five hundred years ago, the Hebrews were a pastoral, primitive people inhabiting the wilderness known today as the ArabianDesert.
He had travelled far and wide in the great ArabianDesert and he had also helped at the excavations at Tel-el-Amarna.
Jerusalem was about five hundred and fifty statute miles from Babylon, and the vast ArabianDesert shifted its sands between them.
But, oh, he says, that pyramid, that would have been quite a sight rising from the sands of the ArabianDesert.
This table-land, which is mostly fertile, extends eastward about twenty miles, and terminates in the ArabianDesert, which is still higher.
A little Bedouin boy tags along when his brother guides a British soldier through the ArabianDesert during World War One.
Nothing can be more incorrect than the vulgar idea of an Arabian Oasis, except it be the popular conception of an ArabianDesert.
Returning to Bagdad, Ibn Batuta crossed the ArabianDesert a second time, and took up his residence in Mecca for the space of three years.
Except by what he could see for himself, or hear of by uncertain rumor of speech in the obscure ArabianDesert, he could know nothing.
Except by what he could see for himself, or hear of by uncertain rumour of speech in the obscure ArabianDesert, he could know nothing.
Bedouins of the Arabiandesert, who resort hither in summer for pasturage.
A stranger was riding a lazy camel across the lonely Arabiandesert.
The Arabiandesert approached the sea in a series of plateaux or steps.